Top 10 things you know, experience and learn from Power Lifting

10: You will develop a level of cynicism and hatred for other gym goers who seemingly waste their time on lateral raises and bicep curls, this is justified after all, because you are stronger than these fuckers anyway! 
9: No matter how strong you get, no matter how big, no matter how much you bleed and sweat, it will never be enough! 

8: You will learn trust in others others to catch the bar!
-          We live in a society where trust is seldom expected anymore, does anyone remember Kevin Rudd?  

7: You know the Russians, Bulgarians and Americans really just need to go to war and settle their differences

6: Perfection arrests progression
-          Every time someone tells you they have ‘perfect squat technique’ you cringe and walk away’

5: Some days you will laugh so loud the gym thinks you’re on crack, other days you will hang your head in shame but know this; if you just stay with it, stick it out through the tough times something massive might happen.

4: Fast food is not the enemy

3: It does not matter how strong you are, unless you’re trying to get stronger 

2: You will learn to take responsibility for your own actions in every part of life, Power Lifting will teach you that no one else is to blame, it’s all you bro!

1: There are more stairs in your neighborhood than you ever realized.

Notable mention from a lifters wife:
Eating like a lifter is expensive as fuck
You have to wear a gay leotard to comps
Don't hurt your back or you're screwed
There is chalk all over my wardrobe, all over your car, all over your clothes, fucking everywhere!
I have to listen to gym talk 24-7
If you're married to a lifter chances are you'll be roped into lifting
Massaging a lifter is hard work
True love conquers all!!!

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